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Showing posts from December, 2021

Importance of Sound in Films

  The sound is a technical part of filmmaking which is as important as lightning, colours, representation, editing etc. Sound effects and music can help to build tension and increase importance of a scene among other things. Sound weaves the story by setting a mood and evoking specific emotions for the audience at the points they are supposed to feel them, especially where no traditional narrative is present. There is something intuitive about the emotions we experience from music and that combined with inspiring and fascinating visuals creates an unbelievable experience. The importance of sound can't be underestimated. Without it films would not exist in the form we are used to know them. Even silent movies weren't truly silent because the background had a music that was setting a certain mood. Effective use of sound and music helps to feel the emotions and understand the story. That's why it's very important not to underestimate the power of sound.

Opening Scene in ''Ghost in the Shell'' (1995)

  The anime thriller ''Ghost in the Shell'' was directed in 1995 by Mamoru Oshii and is based on 1989's manga with the same title written by Masamune Siro. The anime manga and film both had a massive impact on the development of cyberpunk, neonoir, science fiction, thriller etc. Even Wachowski brothers said that ''Ghost in the Shell'' had a huge influence on creating ''Matrix''. The scene contains the process of making the ''Ghost in the shell''-the robot for special tasks. The beginning of the scene is mostly filled with close up shots of certain body parts to make the audience know how robots are made. Sometimes a camera does tilt movement to show the whole body of robot. During the extract the titles with green numbers are seen which again approves that it had an impact on ''Matrix''. After the beginning of the scene the camera uses mostly medium and long shots except some moments when it has to focu...