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Showing posts from January, 2022

How Audience Responded to ''Captain Marvel''

 ''Captain Marvel'' is the MCU's first solo film about a female hero. It was pretty successful in box office and had good reviews from critics but wasn't warmly accepted by the audience. For example in Rotten Tomatoes the critics score is 79 per cent while the audience score is only 45. The audience is divided into primary (those to whom a message is directed), secondary (those who are still a target but not as important as primary) and tertiary (those who are curious about message or writing style). Some reviews look like ''I was very disappointed'' but it's not explained why that person found it disappointing  Some make more expanded review such as " For me this movie lacked in drama and storytelling. Captain Marvel, played by Brie Larson, is one of the strongest characters we are going to see in the MCU. I really hope they can show that without the overdone special effects like they've done in this movie". And by this review ...

The Plot Twist in ''The Usual Suspects''

Types of Lighting

Three-Point Lighting: This is the most basic lighting setup. It consists of key light, fill light and backlight. The key light aims directly at the subject (most likely the main character or object in the shot) and is the brightest light source for the shot. The fill light is a softer light and is usually placed opposite the key light; the fill light cuts down on shadows created by the bright key light. The backlight shines behind the subject separating him from the background so the sense of depth is made in the shot. Fill Light: It's used for reducing the contrast of a scene to match the dynamic range of the recording media and record the same amount of detail typically seen by eye in average lighting and considered normal. From that baseline of normality using more or less fill will make shadows seen darker or lighter than normal which will cause the viewer to react differently by inferring both environmental and mood clues from the tone of the shadows. So fill light is used to ...

How Hitchcock Creates Suspense

How to Make a Good Villain

Villains are important characters in plot because they drive the conflict and they capture the viewer's attention. A villain is the opposite of a hero. A villain is the antagonist of your story whose motivations and actions oppose the protagonist  and drive the plot of your story. A villain is the opposite of a hero. In contrast to the hero, a villain is usually compelled by a desire to commit acts of cruelty and immorality. Every great hero needs a great villain. Villains are the antagonistic force  of your story that challenges your hero and drives the action. Most great villains share a common set of characteristics: 1)  Strong connection to the hero . The best villains are inextricably connected to the hero, and aid in the hero’s character development  through their inherent opposition to them. For example, in the  Harry Potter  series, Lord Voldemort murdered Harry Potter’s parents when he was a child, leaving behind a magical scar on Harry’s forehead ...

Examples of Famous Plot Twists

Examples of How Music Creates Suspense In Psycho's ''Shower Scene'' there are jarring strings which mimic a fast-beating heart that strengthens suspens. In ''The Exorcist'' playing at fast tempo song over an otherwise unremarkable scene clues the audience in that something is wrong even if they can't see it In ''Jaws'' music is used to know when shark is near. The tempo rises as the shark gets closer and the audience's heartbeat increases alongside it.

Top 10 Thrillers According to CineFix

Top 10 Film Scores According to CineFix

Safety on Set

The production of films is a very difficult process that can take months if not years. And at the same time it can be very dangerous so accidents can be happened in set because it's not guaranteed that everything will go as planned. So it's very important to make sure that things are made as safe as possible and staff isn't put to risk for injury or worse. Professional film crews take health and safety issues  very  seriously. The line of responsibility runs from the Producer to the Production Manager and 1st Assistant Director and finally on to all crew members who have a duty of care which is recognized by law. If someone can see the potential for an accident and does nothing to try to prevent it, they can be held responsible in some way, probably along with their senior colleagues. When filming, people have many things on their minds, things can get rushed, and risks can increase. Even simple things can become dangerous because this is not an ordinary situation. Of cours...

Codes and Conventions